Gazette Notices » Labour
01 April, 2021
— 30 March, 2021
Title |
Pages |
Days |
Regulation Gazette No. 44384, R 11268, Vol. 670
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o Relations Act, 1995 » Cancellation of registrations of Employers Organisations, Government Notice
No. 303
54 |
National Gazette No. 44409, Vol. 670
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Compensation for Occupational injuries and Diseases Act (130/1993) » Correction of the regulations on Compensation Funds employer assessment model made by the Minister under compensation for Occupational injuries and Diseases Act, 1993, General Notice
No. 182
National Gazette No. 44408, Vol. 670
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Compensation for Occupational injuries and Diseases Act (130/1993 as amended by Act 61 of 1997) » Occupational Therapy Gazette 2021, General Notice
No. 181
National Gazette No. 44407, Vol. 670
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Compensation for Occupational injuries and Diseases Act (130/1993 as amended by Act 61 of 1997) » physiotherapist Gazette 2021, General Notice
No. 180
National Gazette No. 44406, Vol. 670
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Compensation for Occupational injuries and Diseases Act (130/1993 as amended by Act 61 of 1997) » Optometrist and Speech/Audiologist Gazette 2021, General Notice
No. 179
Regulation Gazette No. 44366, R 11266, Vol. 669
● |
Occupational health and Safety Act (85/1993) » Replacement pages for Annexure 3 of Regulations for hazardous chemical Agents, 2021, Government Notice
No. 283
55 |
National Gazette No. 44364, Vol. 669
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Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (130/1993) (as amended by Act 61/1997) » Notice on annual increase in medical tariffs payable under section 76 of the Act, as amended, General Notice
No. 158
56 |
National Gazette No. 44358, Vol. 669
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Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (130/1993 as amended by Act 61 of 1997) » Private hospital Gazette 2021, General Notice
No. 155
National Gazette No. 44357, Vol. 669
● |
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (130 of 1993 as amended by Act 61 of 1997) » Social Worker and Psychology Gazette 2021, General Notice
No. 154
National Gazette No. 44356, Vol. 669
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Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (130/1993 as amended by Act 61 of 1997) » Wound care Gazette 2021, General Notice
No. 153
National Gazette No. 44355, Vol. 669
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Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (130/1993 as amended by Act 61 of 1997) » Rental care Gazette 2021, General Notice
No. 152
National Gazette No. 44354, Vol. 669
● |
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (130 of 1993 as amended by Act 61 of 1997) » Notice of annual increase in medical tariffs payable under section 76 of the Act » chiropractor 2021, General Notice
No. 151
National Gazette No. 44347, Vol. 669
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Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (130/1993) (as amended by Act 61/1997) » Notice on annual increase in medical tariffs payable under section 76 of the Act, as amended » Orthotists/Prosthetists 2021, General Notice
No. 149

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