
National Gazette No. 40733, 31 March 2017, Vol. 621

Summary 20170331 - National Gazette No. 40733 of 31-March-2017, Volume 621, 364 page(s), 24 notice(s), 53.6Mb
Publication  National Gazettes

Title Pages
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism    
National Environmental Management Act (107/1998) » Draft National Biodiversity Offset Policy, Government Notice No. 276
Department of Home Affairs    
Births and Deaths Registration Act (51/1992) » Alteration of Surnames, Government Notice No. 277
Births and Deaths Registration Act (51/1992) » Alteration of Forenames, Government Notice No. 278
Department of Science and Technology    
National research Foundation Act (23/1998) » Withdrawal of the declaration of the National Zoological Gardens as a National research Facility under the Control of the National research Foundation, Government Notice No. 279
HSRC Act (17/2008) » Call for nomination of candidates to serve on the Human Sciences research Council Board, Government Notice No. 280
Department of Social Development    
Childrens Act (38/2005) » Call for Comments on Regulations relating to fees payable to Accredited Adoption Social Workers in respect of Adoption Services, Government Notice No. 281
Childrens Act (38/2005) » Amendment Regulations relating to Adoption Fees for Accredited Child Protection Organisations in respect of Adoption Services, Government Notice No. 282
South African Qualifications Authority    
National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Act (67/2008) » Policy and Criteria for Evaluating Foreign Qualifications within the South African NQF as amended March 2017, Government Notice No. 283
Department of Trade, Industry and Competition    
National Regulations for Compulsory Specifications Act (5/2008) » Amendment to the compulsory specifications for safety of medium-voltage electric cables (VC 8077), Government Notice No. 284
National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act (5/2008) » Amendment to the compulsory specification for lampholders (VC 8011), Government Notice No. 285
Board Notices    
Constitution of the Republic of South Afric (108/1996) » Legal Aid South Africa » Language Policy, General Notice No. 244
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism    
National Environmental Management Laws Amendment Bill, 2017 » Explanatory summary of the Act, General Notice No. 245
Department of Human Settlements    
Property Practitioners Bill, 2016 » for public comment, General Notice No. 246
Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Amendment Bill, 2016 » for public comment, General Notice No. 247
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa    
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act, 2000 » Regulatory Position on Equipment Type Approval Exemption, General Notice No. 248
Department of Employment and Labour    
Labour Relations Act, 1995 » Regulation of a federation in terms of section 107 of the Act, General Notice No. 249
Labour Relations Act, 1995 » Notice of intention to cancel the Registration of a Trade Union, General Notice No. 250
Non-Governmental Organization    
Agricultural Products Standards Act (119/1990) » Impumelelo Agribusiness Solutions (Pty) ltd » Invitation of comments on the proposed inspection fees, General Notice No. 251
Department of Rural Development and Land Reform    
Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) » Notice of Withdrawal in terms of section 11A (3) of the Act, General Notice No. 252
Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) » various Properties, General Notice No. 253
Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) (as amended) » various Properties, General Notice No. 254
Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) » Amending of Notice 1557 of 1996 published in Government Gazette no » » » 17517 on 1 November 1996, General Notice No. 255
Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) » Remainder of the farm Sweetwaters no 8125 and no 2 8268 and Portion 0 and 1 of the farm the Rock no 10490, General Notice No. 256
Department of Trade, Industry and Competition    
Standards Act (8/2008) » 3X new Standard, 3X Revision Standard and 3X Cancelled Standard, General Notice No. 257

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headline bulletin
I go for a 3rd attempt at reaching out to the FBI of the United States — Mark Berchowitz

I'm double displaced. On arrival. 9th time only at SA. Property owner Petros bumps up our agreed rental fee by 50% during my check-in — Mark Berchowitz

I'm displaced for the 8th time. Only at SA. Curiocity backpackers goes from low occupancy to fully booked on the day of my renewal at lowest season — Mark Berchowitz

PayFast only bill R507 of R5,103 on GGSA subscriptions for today (9.9%). It's remaining "existing" service / billing contracts terminated — Mark Berchowitz

South African Air Force (SAAF) in the process of being grounded — Mail & Guardian

I create an online backup as a persistent public record of a nation's joint financial assault against one man. And his tiny legitimate business — Mark Berchowitz

The nation teams up with government and financial institutions by slashing new business for GGSA by up to 76% within 1-month — Mark Berchowitz

2Checkout cannot bill anyone that pays via Mastercard for 27 days now — since 29 April

Visa network don't bill GGSA's existing paying customers' cards
See the report >

LexisNexis / Windeed withhold my money and tell me it takes up to 3 weeks to do an EFT since it's processed at their Durban branch — Mark Berchowitz

Government withholds, suspends and / or discontinues gazette publications including the tender bulletin for 114 days now — since 01 Feb, 2021
prior headlines >