
National Gazette No. 39971, 06 May 2016, Vol. 611

Summary 20160506 - National Gazette No. 39971 of 06-May-2016, Volume 611, 96 page(s), 11 notice(s), 5.6Mb
Publication  National Gazettes

Title Pages
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism    
National Environmental Management Act (107/1998) » Adoption of standards for land-based abalone aquaculture, Government Notice No. 503
National Environmental Management Act (107/1998) » Activities identified in terms of section 24(2)(d) that may be excluded from the requirement to obtain an environmental authorisation as set out in the Schedule hereto, Government Notice No. 504
South African Police Service (SAPS)    
Private Security Industry Regulations Act (56/2001) » Exemption in terms of section 1(2) and 20(5) of the Act, Government Notice No. 505
Department of Trade, Industry and Competition    
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Amendment Act (53/2003) » Codes come into effect on the date of publication, Government Notice No. 506
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries    
Perishable Products Export Control Bill » Invitation for public consultations, General Notice No. 269
Department of Rural Development and Land Reform    
Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) as amended » Remainder of Portion 2 (Ryspunt) of the Farm Buffelsfontein no 170 Portion 5 (portion of Portion 2) of the Farm Buffelsfontein no 170, General Notice No. 270
Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) as amended » the subject land is property described as the Farm Cogmans Kloof no 84 (Portions 10 12-remaining extent) in the Montagu Registration Division, General Notice No. 271
South African Reserve Bank    
Currency and Exchanges Act (9/1933), as amended » Notice and Order of Forfeiture, General Notice No. 272
Department of Transport    
International Air Service Act (60/1993) » Grant/amendment of international air service license, General Notice No. 273
Board Notices    
Landscape Architectural Profession Act (45/2000) » Continued Professional Development for the South African Council for the Landscape Architectural Profession (SACLAP), Board Notice No. 53
Landscape Architectural Profession Act (45/2000) » Requirements for recognition as a voluntary association for the Landscape Architectural Profession (SACLAP), Board Notice No. 54

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headline bulletin
I go for a 3rd attempt at reaching out to the FBI of the United States — Mark Berchowitz

I'm double displaced. On arrival. 9th time only at SA. Property owner Petros bumps up our agreed rental fee by 50% during my check-in — Mark Berchowitz

I'm displaced for the 8th time. Only at SA. Curiocity backpackers goes from low occupancy to fully booked on the day of my renewal at lowest season — Mark Berchowitz

PayFast only bill R507 of R5,103 on GGSA subscriptions for today (9.9%). It's remaining "existing" service / billing contracts terminated — Mark Berchowitz

South African Air Force (SAAF) in the process of being grounded — Mail & Guardian

I create an online backup as a persistent public record of a nation's joint financial assault against one man. And his tiny legitimate business — Mark Berchowitz

The nation teams up with government and financial institutions by slashing new business for GGSA by up to 76% within 1-month — Mark Berchowitz

2Checkout cannot bill anyone that pays via Mastercard for 27 days now — since 29 April

Visa network don't bill GGSA's existing paying customers' cards
See the report >

LexisNexis / Windeed withhold my money and tell me it takes up to 3 weeks to do an EFT since it's processed at their Durban branch — Mark Berchowitz

Government withholds, suspends and / or discontinues gazette publications including the tender bulletin for 114 days now — since 01 Feb, 2021
prior headlines >