
National Gazette No. 41386, 19 January 2018, Vol. 631

Summary 20180119 - National Gazette No. 41386 of 19-January-2018, Volume 631, 56 page(s), 14 notice(s), 5.7Mb
Publication  National Gazettes

Title Pages
Department of Trade, Industry and Competition    
Co-operatives Act, 2005 » Co-operatives that have been removed from the register, Government Notice No. 19
Co-operatives Act, 2005 » Co-operatives that have been removed from the register, Government Notice No. 20
Co-operatives Act, 2005 » Co-operatives that have been removed from the register, Government Notice No. 21
Co-operatives Act, 2005 » Co-operatives that have been removed from the register, Government Notice No. 22
Co-operatives Act, 2005 » Co-operatives have been removed from the register, Government Notice No. 23
Co-operatives Act, 2005 » Co-operatives that have been removed from the register, Government Notice No. 24
Co-operatives Act, 2005 » Co-operatives that have been removed from the register, Government Notice No. 25
Co-operatives Act, 2005 » Co-operatives to be removed from the register, Government Notice No. 26
Department of Transport    
National Land Transport Act (5/2009) » Designation of Land in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality Area, Eastern Cape as a depot for impounded vehicles, Government Notice No. 27
Department of Water Affairs    
National Water Act (36/1998) » Restrictions on the use of water for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes in the Mzimvubu-Tsitsikamma Water Management Area (WMA 7) in the Eastern Cape Province, Government Notice No. 28
Parliament of the Republic of South Africa    
Public Audit Act, 2004 » Invitation to comment on Draft Public Audit Amendment Bill, 2017, General Notice No. 9
Board Notices    
Allied Health Professions Act (63/1982) » Unprofessional Conduct Board Notice » the prohibition of Multilevel Marketing, Perverse Incentives and Franchising, Board Notice No. 1
Housing Consumer Protection Measures Act (95/1998) » Invitation for public comment on the draft owner builder exemption application form in terms of the Act » National home Builders Registration Council, Board Notice No. 2
Allied Health Professions Act (63/1982) » Unprofessional Conduct Board Notice » Practice of Live Blood Analysis to be used only as an adjunct to the scope of practice of Homeopathy, Naturopathy or Phytotherapy, Board Notice No. 3

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headline bulletin
I go for a 3rd attempt at reaching out to the FBI of the United States — Mark Berchowitz

I'm double displaced. On arrival. 9th time only at SA. Property owner Petros bumps up our agreed rental fee by 50% during my check-in — Mark Berchowitz

I'm displaced for the 8th time. Only at SA. Curiocity backpackers goes from low occupancy to fully booked on the day of my renewal at lowest season — Mark Berchowitz

PayFast only bill R507 of R5,103 on GGSA subscriptions for today (9.9%). It's remaining "existing" service / billing contracts terminated — Mark Berchowitz

South African Air Force (SAAF) in the process of being grounded — Mail & Guardian

I create an online backup as a persistent public record of a nation's joint financial assault against one man. And his tiny legitimate business — Mark Berchowitz

The nation teams up with government and financial institutions by slashing new business for GGSA by up to 76% within 1-month — Mark Berchowitz

2Checkout cannot bill anyone that pays via Mastercard for 28 days now — since 29 April

Visa network don't bill GGSA's existing paying customers' cards
See the report >

LexisNexis / Windeed withhold my money and tell me it takes up to 3 weeks to do an EFT since it's processed at their Durban branch — Mark Berchowitz

Government withholds, suspends and / or discontinues gazette publications including the tender bulletin for 115 days now — since 01 Feb, 2021
prior headlines >