Gazette Notices / Acts

Trade Metrology Act No. 77 of 1973

Title Pages
Department of Trade, Industry and Competition    
Trade Metrology Act No. 77 of 1973 » Regulations relating to the tariff of fees charged for services rendered in terms of the Trade Metrology Act by the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications » Amendments, Government Notice No. 807
2013/11/01 Trade Metrology Act No. 77 of 1973 » Notice of Amendment of the Regulations of the Trade Metrology Act, Published by Government Notice no R2362 of 18 November 1977, as Amended, Government Notice No. 828
2013/10/04 Trade Metrology Act No. 77 of 1973 » Regulations relating to the tariff of fees charged for services rendered in terms of the Trade Metrology Act by the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications » Amendments, Government Notice No. 724
2013/05/17 Trade Metrology Act No. 77 of 1973 » Intention to amend the regulations of the Act, General Notice No. 485
2012/09/14 Trade Metrology Act No. 77 of 1973 » Regulations relating to the tariff of fees charged for services rendered in terms of the Trade Metrology Act by the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS), Government Notice No. 736
2012/05/18 Trade Metrology Act No. 77 of 1973 » Notice of amendment of the Regulations of the Act published by Government Notice no r 2362 of 18 November 1977 as amended, Government Notice No. 384
2012/02/03 Trade Metrology Act No. 77 of 1973 » Amendment of the Regulations of the Act, Government Notice No. 67
2011/12/09 Trade Metrology Act No. 77 of 1973 » Notice of intention to amend the regulations of the Act, General Notice No. 870
2011/10/28 Trade Metrology Act No. 77 of 1973 » Amendment » Regulations, Government Notice No. 887
2011/08/05 Trade Metrology Act No. 77 of 1973 » Regulations » Tariff of Fees Charged for Services Rendered by the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (Nrcs), Government Notice No. 627
2011/07/22 Trade Metrology Act No. 77 of 1973 » Regulations » Amendment » Draft, General Notice No. 489
Department of Transport    
Trade Metrology Act No. 77 of 1973 » Regulations » Amendment, Government Notice No. 1230
Department of Trade, Industry and Competition    
Trade Metrology Act No. 77 of 1973 » Withdrawal of Certificate, Government Notice No. 510
2008/12/12 Trade Metrology Act No. 77 of 1973 » Regulations » Amendment, General Notice No. 1536
Department of Trade, Industry and Competition    
Trade Metrology Act No. 77 of 1973 » Tariffs of Charges and Costs, General Notice No. 933

Dated Results Page Days
2020/08/05 Provincial Gazette (Gauteng) No. 130, Vol. 26
Local Government » Municipal Systems Act (32/2000), as amended » Withdrawal and determination of various fees, charges tariffs and property rates and taxes payable to the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality  
1. actual flow rates of not less than Qt in accordance with the Trade Metrology Act 1973 Act 77 of 1973 and SABS 1529 various parts Testing of...  
2020/06/18 Provincial Gazette (Kwazulu Natal) No. 2189, Vol. 14
Municipal Systems Act (32/2000) and Water Services Act (30/2007) » Water Services Bylaws  
2. ...the regulations relating to water meters published under the Trade Metrology Act 1973 Act No 77 of 1973 are applicable shall be deemed to be...  
3. ...5 A meter referred to in sub bylaw 1 must comply with the Trade Metrology Act 1973 Act 77 of 1973 if it is of a size regulated under that Act...  
4. ...Notice R 2362 dated 18 November 1977 published in terms of the Trade Metrology Act 1973 Act No 70 of 1973 or any succeeding legislation or in the...  
2019/08/22 Provincial Gazette (Kwazulu Natal) No. 2113, Vol. 13
Local Government » Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000) » Water and Sanitation Services Bylaws » Harry Gwala District Municipality  
5. ...meter as defined by the regulations published in terms of the Trade Metrology Act 1973 Act No 77 of 1973 or in the case of water meters of a size...  
2019/06/19 Provincial Gazette (Gauteng) No. 194, Vol. 25
Town-planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986) » Correction Notice » Salfin Extension 6 township  
6. actual flow rates of not less than Qt in accordance with the Trade Metrology Act 1973 Act 77 of 1973 and SABS 1529 various parts Testing of...  
2019/04/18 Provincial Gazette (Kwazulu Natal) No. 2069, Vol. 13
Local Government » Municipal Systems Act (32/2000) » Water and Sanitation Services first Amendment ByLaws as amended by Council Resolution dated the 26 day of April 2018  
7. ...meter as defined by the Regulations published in terms of the Trade Metrology Act Act No 77 of 1973 or in the case of water meters of size...  
2019/03/28 Provincial Gazette (Kwazulu Natal) No. 2062, Vol. 13
Local Government » Municipal Systems Act (32/2000) » Notice in terms of section 14 (2) (a) of the Act » Publication of Standard Draft By-laws  
8. ...the regulations relating to water meters published under the Trade Metrology Act 1973 Act No 77 of 1973 are applicable must be deemed to be...  
2018/07/20 Provincial Gazette (Western Cape) No. 7962
9. ...the regulations relating to water meters published under the Trade Metrology Act 1973 Act No 77 of 1973 and of the same size in diameter as the...  
10. ...the quantity of water passing through as contemplated in the Trade Metrology Act 1973 Act No 77 of 1973 as amended k by the deletion of the...  


headline bulletin
I go for a 3rd attempt at reaching out to the FBI of the United States — Mark Berchowitz

I'm double displaced. On arrival. 9th time only at SA. Property owner Petros bumps up our agreed rental fee by 50% during my check-in — Mark Berchowitz

I'm displaced for the 8th time. Only at SA. Curiocity backpackers goes from low occupancy to fully booked on the day of my renewal at lowest season — Mark Berchowitz

PayFast only bill R507 of R5,103 on GGSA subscriptions for today (9.9%). It's remaining "existing" service / billing contracts terminated — Mark Berchowitz

South African Air Force (SAAF) in the process of being grounded — Mail & Guardian

I create an online backup as a persistent public record of a nation's joint financial assault against one man. And his tiny legitimate business — Mark Berchowitz

The nation teams up with government and financial institutions by slashing new business for GGSA by up to 76% within 1-month — Mark Berchowitz

2Checkout cannot bill anyone that pays via Mastercard for 28 days now — since 29 April

Visa network don't bill GGSA's existing paying customers' cards
See the report >

LexisNexis / Windeed withhold my money and tell me it takes up to 3 weeks to do an EFT since it's processed at their Durban branch — Mark Berchowitz

Government withholds, suspends and / or discontinues gazette publications including the tender bulletin for 115 days now — since 01 Feb, 2021
prior headlines >